
Command line stash

Updated: 01.07.2021

Tricks & one-liners

Send mail

Send mail from command line (Postfix configured):

$ date | mail -s "Postfix test" my.email@domain.com

More about find

List directories and files that don’t have default permissions and ignore .git subfolder:

$ find . ! -path "./.git/*" -type d ! -perm 644 -o -type f ! -perm 755

Resize live partition

Get disk identifier:

$ diskutil list


Output example:

2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         49.2 GB    disk0s2

Resize partition to 60 GB:

$ diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 60g


2:     Apple_HFS Macintosh HD     30.0 GB   disk1s2

$ diskutil resizeVolume disk1s2 50G

Resize partition to it’s maximum size:

$ diskutil resizeVolume disk1s2 R

Few screen commands.

Start new screen session:


Detach from the current session:

ctrl + a > d

Attach to a previous session:

screen -r

List sessions:

screen -ls

Quit session:

ctrl + a > :quit

Modify date formats

Source file contains multiple dates as one date / line.

Old format: 20-08-2015

New format: 20150820

Convert all dates to new format:

k=0; while read line; do let k+=1; echo $line | awk -v FS=- -v OFS= '{print $3,$2,$1}'; done < old_dates.txt > new_dates.txt

Vim tricks

Replace tabs with spaces:

:set list
:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab

Replace Windows line feeds with UNIX line feeds:


ag tricks

Use ag to find .download.recipe files that don’t contain codesignatureverifier string:

$ ag -G ".download.recipe$" -ilv codesignatureverifier path/to/recipes

Finding recently created or edited files

Find last 5 photos & videos imported from Nikon (DSC_XXXX.JPG/MOV):

$ find . -type f -iname "DSC_*" -print0 | xargs -0 stat -f "%m %Sm %SN" -t "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" | sort -nr | cut -d " " -f 2- | head -5

Example output:

24.02.2015 19:27 ./Kuvat ja videot/Kuvat/2015/2015-02-kuvat/DSC_3143.JPG
15.02.2015 09:10 ./Kuvat ja videot/Kuvat/2015/2015-02-kuvat/DSC_3140.JPG
15.02.2015 09:10 ./Kuvat ja videot/Kuvat/2015/2015-02-kuvat/DSC_3139.JPG
09.01.2015 17:49 ./Kuvat ja videot/Kuvat/2015/2015-01-kuvat/DSC_3138.JPG
09.01.2015 17:48 ./Kuvat ja videot/Videot/2015/2015-01-videot/DSC_3137.MOV

List of modified files from the past 7 days (excluding Dropbox cache + .DS_Store and Icon? files):

$ find . -type f ! -path "./.dropbox.cache/*" ! -name ".DS_Store" ! -name "Icon?" -mtime -7 -print0 | xargs -0 stat -f "%m %Sm %SN" -t "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" | sort -nr | cut -d " " -f 2-

Sample output:

15.03.2015 12:14 ./path/to/1.jpg
15.03.2015 12:13 ./path/to/2.jpg
15.03.2015 12:11 ./path/to/1.txt
15.03.2015 12:10 ./path/to/2.txt

Copy GoPro photos & videos from the past 7 days to Dropbox Camera Uploads folder:

$ find ~/Pictures/GoPro/ -mtime -7 \( -iname "*.MP4" -o -iname "*.JPG" \) -exec cp -pvn {} ~/Dropbox/Camera\ Uploads \;

Renaming batch of files using for loop & shell expansion

Change file extension from .log to .txt:

$ for file in *.log; do mv -i "$file" "${file%.log}.txt"; done

Replace Photo with Pic:

$ for file in Photo*; do mv -i "$file" "${file/#Photo/Pic}"; done

Replace Photo*.png with 2014_[digit].png:

$ d=0; for file in Photo*; do let d+=1; mv -i "$file" 2014_$d.png; done

Same as previous but with one leading zero:

$ d=0; for file in Photo*; do let d+=1; mv -i "$file" 2014_$(printf "%02d\n" $d).png; done

Remove 12 characters before file extension from a file name:

for file in *.mp4; do mv -i "$file" "${file%%????????????.mp4}.mp4"; done


Some youtube video (episode 1)-RiTAdApC5-Y.mp4 => Some youtube video (episode 1).mp4


Generate SSH key pair using ed25519 algorithm:

$ ssh-keygen -a 100 -t ed25519 -f path/to/<some>.key -C "<description>"

List top 10 user names used in SSH break-in attempts:

macOS 10.12+

$ log show --info --last 24h | grep -o "Invalid user.*" | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10

macOS 10.11 and earlier

$ grep -o "Invalid user.*" /var/log/system.log | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10

List successful SSH logins using public key method:

macOS 10.12+

$ log show --info --last 24h | grep "Accepted publickey"

macOS 10.11 and earlier

$ grep "Accepted publickey" /var/log/system.log

Apple Configuration Profile mangling

Strip code signing information from profile:

$ security cms -D -i Signed.mobileconfig -o Unsigned.mobileconfig

Ignore warning message:

security: SecPolicySetValue: One or more parameters passed to a function were not valid.

Reindent a xml/plist/mobileconfig file:

$ xmllint --format original.mobileconfig > modified.mobileconfig


$ security cms -D -i Signed.mobileconfig | xmllint --format - > Unsigned.mobileconfig


Current SSID name:

$ /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | grep -w "SSID" | awk -F": " '{print $2}'

Get weekday for certain date:

$ date -jf "%d.%m.%Y" "30.07.2010" +%A

Mount encrypted (sparse disk) image:

$ hdiutil attach -stdinpass /path/to/image.dmg

Search directories recursively for files matching ‘string’:

$ grep -r -l 'string' /path/to/dir

Show original file location if symlink:

$ readlink /tmp

Use multicast address to find out all multicast capable hosts:

$ ping

List unique IP addresses in Apache access log:

$ cat /var/log/apache2/access_log | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

Number of unique IP addresses in Apache access log:

$ cat /var/log/apache2/access_log | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

List macOS installer package bill of materials:

$ lsbom -p MUGsf /path/to/Archive.bom

If flat package, first expand the package contents to a temp folder:

$ pkgutil --expand /path/to/installer.pkg ~/Desktop/temp_out

Show used disk space on boot volume (total):

$ df -h / | awk 'NR > 1 {print $3}'