
Command Line Tools for Photo Management

Updated: 05.03.2017

Some random commands and one-liners that I use when dealing with missing photo metadata, video orientation etc.


ExifTool Download Site

Basic commands

ExifTool Command-Line Examples

Copy all metadata from original file to target file:

$ exiftool -TagsFromFile sourceimage.jpg targetimage.jpg

Copy photo DateTimeOriginal value to FileModifyDate:

$ exiftool "-fileModifyDate<DateTimeOriginal" targetimage.jpg

One-liners for batch editing

Copy DateTimeOriginal value to FileModifyDate:

$ for c in *.MP4; do exiftool "-fileModifyDate<CreateDate" "$c"; done

Copy CreateDate value to FileModifyDate (GoPro edition):

$ for c in *.MP4; do exiftool "-fileModifyDate<CreateDate" "$c"; done

Copy all video metadata from original file (.MOV) to target file (.mp4):

$ for c in *.MOV; do exiftool -tagsFromFile "$c" "${c%.MOV}.mp4"; done

Case where photo is missing dateTimeOriginal tag.

First copy FileModifyDate value to DateTimeOriginal:

$ for c in *.JPG; do exiftool "-dateTimeOriginal<fileModifyDate" "$c"; done

Then copy original value back to FileModifyDate:

$ for c in *.JPG; do exiftool "-fileModifyDate<DateTimeOriginal" "$c"; done


HandBrakeCLI Download Site

HandBrakeCLI Guide

Change video orientation

Find all portrait iPhone videos in current folder:

$ find . -name '*.mov' -exec bash -c '[ $(exiftool -s -s -s -Rotation "$1") == "90" ]' bash {} \; -print

Rotate video, portrait to landscape:

$ HandBrakeCLI -i source.mov -o target.mov --preset="High Profile" --rotate="angle=0:hflip=0"