
Finnish Traffic Notifications

Posted: 08.02.2016

There’s a pretty useful traffic service called V-Traffic available from where you can get live Nordic traffic information. They even have their own iOS app, but it’s lacking one little feature, notifications from the places you’d like to receive traffic reports.

No worries, you can get live traffic reports with your own custom search terms automatically to your iPhone using V-Traffic Twitter feed and IFTTT recipe.


  1. Register Twitter account and IFTTT account (if you don’t have those yet)

  2. Install IFTTT iOS app

  3. Add “if-new-tweet-send-notification” IFTTT recipe as a template

  4. Connect your IFTTT account to Twitter channel (if needed)

Edit IFTTT recipe

Note! The screenshots below are from IFTTT website, on iOS app the Recipe editor looks little bit different.

Edit Recipe Title to match your search parameters:


Replace "Tie 4" placeholder search parameter with your own search keyword(s).


Click the Update button to save your changes.

Check out this article for more details on Twitter search parameters.

iOS Notifications Settings

You can adjust how notifications are displayed on your iPhone in Settings > Notifications > IF:

iOS Notifications Settings

Notification example:

iOS Notification


For testing purposes it might be a good idea to add more popular search term like “Kehä I” or “Helsinki” to the recipe to receive test notifications.