
Docker & MunkiReport testing

Posted: 18.09.2015

**Note! I have updated this post with Docker Toolbox and some other modifications. **

See the original Docker & MunkiReport post here.

I wanted to test MunkiReport and MySQL in non-production environment and didn’t want to install MySQL on my host machine. I’ve tested Docker couple of times before but never really “needed” it for Mac admin related tasks, except now. Here are few (not very verbose) notes about how MunkiReport test environment was built using Docker.


Docker images @ Docker Hub


Launch Terminal and start default Docker Machine:

$ docker-machine start default

Set environment variables:

$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

Run containers

Create data container db_data based on Ubuntu image:

docker run -d -v /var/lib/mysql --name db_data ubuntu

Run MySQL container db_app, connect it to the data container db_data & create a database for MunkiReport:

$ docker run -d --name db_app --volumes-from db_data -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=munkireport -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=admin mysql

Run MunkiReport mr container and connect it to db_app container. Change environment variables (if needed):

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name mr --link db_app:mysql -e DB_NAME=munkireport -e DB_USER=admin -e DB_PASS=admin -e DB_SERVER=db_app -e MR_SITENAME="Local tests" hunty1/munkireport-docker

Check that the both app containers are running and the data container is visible:

$ docker ps -a

Output example:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS                         NAMES
f9fa44a71498        hunty1/munkireport-docker   "/start.sh"              5 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds      >80/tcp, 443/tcp   mr
8459a79a15ab        mysql                       "/entrypoint.sh mysql"   18 seconds ago      Up 17 seconds     >3306/tcp        db_app
b9ec4a17adb8        ubuntu                      "/bin/bash"              26 seconds ago      Exited (0) 25 seconds ago                                 db_data

MunkiReport GUI

Get Docker machine IP address:

$ docker-machine ip default

This IP address will be used in the rest of the examples.

Go to and login with these credentials:

If everything went ok, you should see MunkiReport GUI with zero machines.

Test MunkiReport with a client

Note! You need Munki and MunkiReport installed on your host computer for this part.

Change MunkiReport BaseUrl on the host computer (notice the trailing slash!):

$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist BaseUrl http://$(docker-machine ip default)/

Run managedsoftwareupdate:

$ sudo /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate

Refresh MunkiReport web GUI and check your host computer info.

Database import

It’s nice to have MunkiReport up and running but it’s quite useless if there’s no data to view. Run mysqldump on your production server and copy the MySQL database file to your Desktop:

$ cp path/to/my-munkireport-db.sql ~/Desktop/

Run separate MySQL client container and destroy it after database import. Replace my-munkireport-db.sql with your db file name:

$ docker run -it --rm mysql --link=db_app:mysql -v ~/Desktop:/tmp/ sh -c 'exec mysql -h192.168.99.100 -P3306 -uroot -proot munkireport < /tmp/my-munkireport-db.sql'

You can ignore the warning message because we’re only testing:

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Connect to the database using Sequel Pro:

Or connect directly to the MySQL database with command line client:

docker exec -it db_app sh -c 'exec mysql -h192.168.99.100 -P3306 -uroot -proot munkireport'

Test custom configurations

Copy the munkireport folder from MunkiReport container to your Desktop:

$ docker cp mr:/www/munkireport/ ~/Desktop/

Stop & delete current MunkiReport container:

$ docker stop mr
$ docker rm -f mr

Run MunkiReport container again and mount host volume ~/Desktop/munkireport as a data volume. Change environment variables once again (if needed):

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name mr --link db_app:mysql -v ~/Desktop/munkireport:/www/munkireport -e DB_NAME=munkireport -e DB_USER=admin -e DB_PASS=admin -e DB_SERVER=db_app -e MR_SITENAME="Local tests" hunty1/munkireport-docker

Edit files in ~/Desktop/munkireport folder:

Refresh MunkiReport web GUI and login again:

After testing

Stop all containers:

$ docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

Delete all Docker containers:

$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Shutdown default Docker Machine:

$ docker-machine stop default

Change MunkiReport BaseUrl back to the original one:

$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist BaseUrl http://your_munki_repo/

Additional information

Check out Calum Hunter’s GitHub page for more info if you want to tinker with MunkiReport container settings.